Dragon Age: Inquisition

Dragon Age: Inquisition

Rating on Metacritic – 85

What’s good. Fans consider it BioWare’s most epic, big and beautiful RPG. There is an inventive, though controversial openworld, well-developed lore and characters. Sometimes the authors surprise you with cool quests, and fighting is not boring at all: it combines real-time combat and turn-based tactics.

Who deserved to win more? But Inquisition has so many disadvantages that it would be enough for the fifth volume of War and Peace. I will limit myself to a more or less universally recognised opinion that Inquisition is much closer to MMORPG than to a classic role-playing game. Hence the darkness of negative elements: from the abundance of boring grind quests with a small number of “influence” points to a lifeless open world.

The top Destiny, Dark Souls 2 and Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor all came out in 2014, but even they had problems. My clear favourite is Destiny, which turned the industry upside down and got everyone talking about service games. PUBG and Fortnite wouldn’t have happened without it, which speaks better than any words. Bungie created a very beautiful shooter, where it is pleasant to shoot with any weapon. But the project lacked content at the start, because of which the press disliked it.